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The specialties division includes a wide range of construction work that is not classified under any of the other divisions. This division includes specialized work that requires unique skills, equipment, and expertise. Here are the 9 subcategories of the specialties division:

10100 – Visual Display Boards: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of visual display boards, such as bulletin boards, whiteboards, and display cases. These are commonly used in schools, offices, and public buildings.

10200 – Louvers and Vents: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of louvers and vents in buildings. Louvers and vents are used for ventilation and air flow control in commercial and industrial buildings.

10300 – Fireplaces and Stoves: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of fireplaces and stoves. These are often installed in residential homes for heating purposes and can be made from a variety of materials, such as brick, stone, or metal.

10400 – Signage: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of signs on buildings or properties. Signage can include building identification signs, directional signs, and advertising signs.

10500 – Flagpoles: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of flagpoles. Flagpoles are commonly used in commercial and government buildings, and proper installation requires knowledge of engineering and safety codes.

10600 – Partitions: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of partitions in buildings. Partitions are used to divide interior spaces and can be made from a variety of materials, such as drywall, glass, or metal.

10700 – Exterior Sun Control Devices: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of exterior sun control devices, such as awnings, shutters, and blinds. These devices are used to control the amount of sunlight that enters a building and can help reduce energy costs.

10800 – Toilet and Bath Accessories: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of toilet and bath accessories, such as toilet partitions, shower doors, and towel racks. Proper installation of these accessories requires knowledge of plumbing and electrical codes.

10900 – Instrumentation and Control for HVAC: This subcategory includes all work related to the installation of instrumentation and control systems for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Proper installation of these systems requires knowledge of engineering and electrical codes.

In summary, the specialties division includes a wide range of construction work that requires unique skills and expertise. From the installation of fireplaces and stoves to the installation of security and vault equipment, each subcategory requires specialized knowledge and experience to ensure proper installation and operation.