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The Concrete division is a vital part of the construction industry and encompasses all work related to concrete, such as its design, mixing, placement, and finishing. This division is responsible for the construction of foundations, floors, walls, and other structural elements that require the use of concrete.


03100 – Concrete Forms and Accessories

This subcategory includes all work related to the design and installation of concrete forms and accessories. Concrete forms are used to create the shape of concrete structures, and accessories such as ties and bracing help to keep the forms in place during the pouring and curing process.

03200 – Concrete Reinforcement

This subcategory includes all work related to the reinforcement of concrete, such as the installation of steel bars, mesh, or fiber reinforcement. Reinforcement is added to concrete structures to increase their strength, durability, and resistance to cracking.

03300 – Cast-in-Place Concrete

This subcategory includes all work related to cast-in-place concrete, which involves pouring and shaping concrete on-site to create a permanent structure. Cast-in-place concrete is commonly used for the construction of foundations, walls, and floors.

03400 – Precast Concrete

This subcategory includes all work related to precast concrete, which involves casting concrete components off-site and transporting them to the construction site for installation. Precast concrete components include panels, columns, and beams, and they are used to speed up the construction process and ensure consistent quality.

03500 – Concrete Finishing

This subcategory includes all work related to the finishing of concrete surfaces. Concrete finishing involves the use of tools and techniques to create a smooth, level surface that is free of defects and blemishes. Properly finished concrete surfaces are essential for the durability and aesthetic appeal of concrete structures.

In summary, the Concrete division is responsible for all work related to the design, mixing, placement, and finishing of concrete structures. Its subcategories deal with specific aspects of concrete work, such as the installation of forms and accessories, the reinforcement of concrete, and the finishing of concrete surfaces. Properly executed concrete work is essential for the strength, durability, and longevity of buildings and infrastructure, and it is important to hire qualified professionals for these types of projects.