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Special Construction

The Special Construction division includes all types of work that are not covered under the other divisions of the construction industry. This division deals with unique and specialized construction projects that require a high level of expertise and customization.


13100 – Aquariums

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of aquariums. Aquariums are often used in public buildings such as museums and office buildings to create a unique and engaging environment. Properly installed aquariums require specialized expertise in plumbing, electrical work, and structural engineering.

13200 – Fountains

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of fountains. Fountains are often used in public spaces such as parks, plazas, and commercial buildings to create a visually appealing and calming environment. Properly designed and installed fountains require expertise in plumbing, electrical work, and structural engineering.

13300 – Cryogenic Rooms

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of cryogenic rooms. Cryogenic rooms are used for storing materials at very low temperatures, and they require specialized insulation and ventilation systems to maintain the required conditions.

13400 – Darkroom Facilities

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of darkroom facilities. Darkroom facilities are used for developing photographs and require specialized lighting and ventilation systems to maintain the proper conditions.

13500 – Observatory Equipment

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of observatory equipment. Observatory equipment is used for observing the stars and other celestial bodies, and it requires specialized knowledge in astronomy and optics.

13600 – Agricultural Equipment

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of agricultural equipment. Agricultural equipment is used for farming and requires specialized knowledge in agriculture and mechanics.

13700 – Clean Rooms

This subcategory includes all work related to the design, construction, and installation of clean rooms. Clean rooms are used in industries such as pharmaceuticals and electronics to maintain a sterile environment and require specialized knowledge in microbiology and clean room design.

13800 – Sound, Vibration, and Seismic Control

This subcategory includes all work related to sound, vibration, and seismic control. This type of work is often used in buildings such as theaters and concert halls to create a more comfortable and acoustically sound environment.

13900 – Lightning Protection

This subcategory includes all work related to lightning protection. Lightning protection systems are used to protect buildings from damage caused by lightning strikes and require specialized knowledge in electrical engineering.

In summary, the Special Construction division includes unique and specialized construction projects that require a high level of expertise and customization. Its subcategories deal with specific aspects of special construction work, such as the construction of aquariums, fountains, and darkroom facilities, as well as the design and installation of cryogenic rooms and observatory equipment. It is important to hire qualified professionals for these types of projects to ensure that they are completed safely and to the highest standards.